An Abstract Algebra Primer

I have written an abstract algebra primer. The official pitch on the math section of my website:

This is a medium-length (113 pages) introduction to abstract algebra. Intuition is emphasized, fully formalizing arguments takes a back seat, the theory is extremely streamlined (so many important and interesting ideas are omitted).

There is not much to say here that I have not already said in the primer. This covers much more than a standard one-semester undergraduate course and is probably closer to the content of a graduate course, but a lot of details and exercises are not included since brevity is one of the main goals. I imagine the level of detail is somewhere between Evan Chen’s Napkin and Dummit/Foote.


If the date displayed on your PDF is later than the date listed, the error has already been fixed.1

Only errors are listed here. Other changes, such as additional exercises, streamlined notation, etc. are not included. To see all changes, you may peruse the Git log.

Nov 25, 2025

Oct 31, 2024

  1. To be clear, the date listed is the last version to contain the error.↩︎